a flower in a field, people working the background

Get Involved

Join the Center for Agroecology in advancing an ecologically sustainable and socially just food system—there are many ways to get involved. 

Find our Produce

Support our education, research, and public service programming by purchasing our organic produce! Produce grown at the UC Santa Cruz Farm and Chadwick Garden are available for sale at several outlets on the UCSC campus. In addition, we provide free and low-cost produce to students in need.

Become a Member

Get involved with Center for Agroecology and help support our work by joining the Friends of the UCSC Farm & Garden, a community-based group that supports a variety of education and scholarship programs. The Friends focus their efforts on community outreach, Farm & Garden facility improvements, and public education.


We offer volunteer opportunities for students and the general public. Volunteers help maintain the farm and garden, give farm tours, plan and run community workshops and events, and participate in our volunteer work days.

Last modified: Feb 21, 2025