people in the field with weeding tools

Agroecology Courses

UC Santa Cruz offers upper and lower division agroecology classes for enrolled students, as well as an agroecology major and a residential field quarter during the summer. Many of these courses have a hands-on component in the campus food system.

Agroecology major

UCSC undergraduates interested in agroecology and sustainable food systems may choose to major in agroecology. Students in this major will learn about ecological concepts that can be applied to the development of sustainable agricultural systems. Students will develop their understanding of social, political, and economic aspects of agriculture (including traditional agriculture, agricultural policy and development, social theory, history, sustainable farm management, markets, food justice, local food system experiences, and harvested food systems). Students will also engage in hands-on experiences, and obtain skills in research, fieldwork, production, and communication in order to achieve multiple sustainability goals in complex, social-ecological food systems. The agroecology major is housed in the Environmental Studies Department.

Academic courses

Many UCSC agroecology courses have a hands-on component at the UCSC Farm and Chadwick Garden. The majority of courses with an agroecology component are managed by the Environmental Studies Department (ENVS). ENVS courses hosted by our center include Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture (ENVS 130A/L), Agroecology Practicum (ENVS 133), Introduction to Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (ENVS 80F), and Field Experiences in Agroecology and Sustainable Food (ENVS130C). Browse the ENVS Course Catalog to see which classes are currently being offered.

Agroecology Field Quarter

The Agroecology Field Quarter is a multi-campus, 17-unit course that takes place during summer session. The course involves living and learning at the UCSC Farm for four weeks, followed by three weeks of fieldwork on farms and with community-based organizations. The course is a collaboration with UC Davis and UC Berkeley and includes a balance of lecture and hands-on work to put lessons into practice. Applications for Agroecology Field Quarter open in spring quarter. The course is open to all university students.

Last modified: Feb 21, 2025